Friday, June 22, 2012


I did another series of movie reaction comics.  This time the film is Pixar's Brave, in theaters today.  Here's a spoiler-free text review before the spoiler-full comics:

This movie is fantastic.  If you think that our tastes are at all similar, or you have a heart or a mom, you should go.  The bottom line is: this is a well-crafted, beautiful, fun, surprising, and touching film.  It has been advertised in a cringey, slapstick way to get children into the theater, but don't worry: this is not a lowest-common-denominator animated film.  It's another Pixar masterpiece.  Quite a bit of the movie was withheld in the commercials, and it's WONDERFUL.  You are in for pleasant surprises.  I recommend watching it in 2D; the film is a little too dark in 3D and some of the lovely details and textures faded out.

THESE COMICS CONTAIN SPOILERS.  Go watch the movie first -- these probably won't be funny unless you've seen it, anyway.
And all of the talk about changing your fate ("You can rise to meet it if you choose").
And the closing gate and trying to escape into the woods.
And the misty, forested mountains.
And the animal mom protecting her human child. 
And the animal mom at risk of becoming an actual demon.
Horses, in my mind, are this feminine symbol of freedom and power and grace.  ...I thought that was a well-documented thing, but apparently it's just an association I have.  I was looking around the internet for any writing that had been done on it, or a catchy name for the trope or something, but came up empty.  ANYWAY, women riding horses = overwhelming 'FUCK YEAH' response in my head.
One of my friends pointed out that the triplets are always trying to steal buns/cakes from Maudie that look like boobs, complete with berry nipples.  And now I can't unsee that subtextual subplot wherein the triplets are on a quest for Maudie's goodies xD
LOOOOOOOVED THIS.  Commanding a dead silence by walking?  So cool.  And that austere expression on Queen Elinor's face?  Just...GUH. PERFECT.
And then Merida demonstrates how much she has grown and come to understand and appreciate her mother (and the power she wields) by performing it just like her.  asdf;ljk.  One of those moments that is so perfectly foreshadowed it's shocking you don't see it coming.  PERFECT.  PERFECT!
Also, Merida...even I can sew better than that.  I mean really.
Cool/funny things that it would be repetitive for me to draw because they were done perfectly in the film:
-"Legends are lessons.  They ring with truths."  (And so do Pixar films)
-Little Merida!  Especially the teeth--somehow they captured little-kid-mouth just right in her design and expressions
-One of the triplets lip synching perfectly with his father during the bear story
-The crow.  Just delightful.
-Every single instance of Queen Elinobear moving in an effeminate way despite her altered stature 
-"I've decided to do what's right and break tradition."  SO much love for that line.
-Merida going toe to toe with her father in a sword fight and winning?!
-Cutting his peg leg out from under him!
-Momma bear getting superbear strength when her daughter is in trouble 
-Mor'du's spirit rising from the back of the rock
-Naked triplets!  Perfect timing, comic relief
I just added a donate button to this blog.  I am by no means starving, and I appreciate your traffic on its own merits, but if I raise a few dollars on these review posts it will help justify continuing to make them.  Thanks again, everyone!

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I went to see Prometheus last night.  Short review: I really enjoyed it and would watch it again.  Read on for some spoilerific comics that happened between 1 and 2 AM:

I will go see Spider-Man.  I smirked because I enjoy people back-talking commercials.

A race of muscle-y, alabaster Voldemorts.  Like in the Bible.
Also you are the most interesting character and I adore you.

He seriously said that.
I LOVED the gender/sex subtext in the movie, even though there was some seriously disturbing stuff (not too much worse than the other movies).  Essentially Prometheus was about creation and the conflict between parents and children.  Some really, really interesting things happened between characters.  I want to watch it again and just focus on that.
Okay, so you're not Ripley, but that was pretty cool how you were a total badass in the third act.  I so called that self-abortion in the special medical machine.  And even though it was one of the tensest scenes in the movie, I was cracking up at her having to program it for a male operation.  NICE, Prometheus.
"I want to see the baby."  "Don't worry about it."  "WHY ARE YOU SLYLY PUSHING THE MONITOR AWAY?"  "Don't worry about it. :D"
And little glowy mochi-ball eggs!
FAVORITE RECURRING JOKE.  Sassy robot strikes again!
Screaming only makes the ship want to squash you faster!!